At the top of every New Year, there’s a lot of fuss about creating a vision board so that we can set ourselves up for smashing our goals in the upcoming year. But the question is, do vision boards really work? And if so, how?


A vision board is a creative, visual tool that helps us clarify and concentrate on a specific goal or desire. Vision boards give us clearer direction in where we want to go; and with direction, we have greater clarity regarding the actionable steps we need to take in reaching our goals. We know the things we need to say yes to, which will bring us closer to our goals, as well as the things to say no to, which pull us further away from the things we desire.


According to a 2009 article in Psychology Today: Brain studies reveal that thoughts produce the same mental instructions as actions. Mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory. So the brain is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence and self-efficacy. Visualization is a powerful exercise for the mind. As we think and create an image in our minds, we emit its frequency into the universe, which then magnetizes our vision to reality. This is the law of attraction. Our subconscious mind works to achieve the information that’s stored in it. So be careful what you focus on—good or bad—because you may just bring it to life.


Creating a vision board can be quite entertaining. Grab a group of friends and have a vision-board soiree. Have everyone bring poster board, glue, scissors and magazines. Provide simple snacks and refreshments, candles, and some fun or calming relaxing music. Or have an intimate solo date with yourself!

1.Do a status check & review

First, sit down with your journal and reflect on the past year. This initial step is your chance to consider where you are now, what is working in your life, and what isn’t. you would like to look back over the past year, what has happened, what goals you have achieved, what lessons you have learned, and what you are grateful for. This step really sets the stage for everything else.

2.Set goals and prioritize

Next sit down with paper and pen and think about your goals for the coming year.
This initial step is your big brain dump and includes everything from the big goals and dreams (write a book, learn how to meditate, take the family on vacation), to the little wish list type of stuff (get a new vacuum cleaner), intentions (be more mindful, connect with my family better), and words for the year (clarity, joy, peace). After you do the first brain dump, you can review your thoughts and notes and figure out what your priorities are and either circle them or create a new list. What are the things you really, really want to happen above all else? Those are definitely going on your vision board.

3.Find images and words for the vision board

Now it’s time to search for and cut out images and words that embody your goals and/or just speak to you. I love this step! You can go through a stack of magazines. Then clip everything you like—colors, words, interesting images. But, you can hunt for images and words that relate to my goals. Also, if there’s a goal or intention that you can’t find a good image for, you can hop on the computer and do an image search. In fact, you can rely on the internet more and more these days to find the best images to represent your goals. There’s so much available and it’s so easy to do an image search to find something quite specific. Your finished goal boards include a mix of magazine images, pictures that can be printed from the internet, and words. Ultimately, you must look for one or more images that capture the essence and feeling of each goal.

4.Create a Basic Structure for the Vision Board

This step is optional, but I often do it and really like it. Sometimes I divide the poster board into nine sections and sometimes draw radiating lines from a central point and use the different triangular shapes as life area sections. Again, it’s optional, but can provide a nice framework and some general life categories to keep your goals and vision board well rounded. After dividing the poster board into life areas, write your goals and intentions for each area directly on the poster board.

5.Assemble the Vision Board

Now it’s time to arrange your images and words on your poster board. So, with your poster board in front of you, and your pile of images at hand, go through the images and decide what belongs on the poster board and place it roughly in the section it will go. Trim backgrounds away or crop images as you go if you like. Then continue through the pile of clippings. Some images will go on the poster board, some will go in a “later” pile to be used in a future collage, and some will just be recycled. Once you have all of your goals and dreams represented on the board, stand back and take a look at it. How does it look? If you’re happy with the board, proceed to the next step. Otherwise continue to arrange, add images or words, and trim around others until you’re satisfied.

6.Glue Everything Together

Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, begin to glue everything down. Working with one image or word at a time, turn it over, apply a layer of glue with a glue stick, then stick it to the poster board. Rub over it with your hands to smooth it out as much as possible.


This is another optional step but is a creative way to finish up your vision board. Add your own words, doodles, or sketches over and around the collaged images with Sharpie markers or glue on fun collage items such as sequins, glitter, lace, ribbon, or whatever else you desire.


  • Place your vision board in a prominent place where you’ll visit with it often. Pause and glance over your visions daily. As you do, emote the feelings your visions engender within you.

  • Meditate and visualize. With eyes closed, bring your visions to the forefront of your mind. Hold your visions clearly in your mind, while harnessing feelings of joy and fulfillment. Consider adding a related mantra or affirmation to your visualization, e.g., “I am a New York Times best-selling author,” or “I live in a beautiful home with mountain views.” Repeat your affirmations over and over while simultaneously visualizing.

Visualization is not about simply placing an image on a board to “manifest” what you want or just using “the law of attraction”.

It's all about your brain: Your reticular activating system(RAS) is the “filtering station” of your brain. Constantly seeing the images on your vision board helps your brain filter out the stuff you don't what while focusing on what you do want. Seeing a constant visual reminder of your goals is how your subconscious mind stays focused on your goals.

Again, what you focus on expands. Creating a vision board gives a visual way to see your goals and develop a mindset to reach them on a daily basis.


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