Did you know that your mind affects your actions far more than any other physical part of your body? It has the power help you realize your dreams if you just let yourself do it. Often, you can feel like there is an overwhelming negative force trying to prevent you from achieving your goals. And let’s face it, no one wants negativity dominating their life. So the key to combating negativity is using meaningful affirmations.


You might have heard of affirmations and that they can be really powerful, but do you know why? An affirmation is a short, powerful statement. They allow you to consciously be in control of your thoughts. An affirmation is carefully constructed to have the most impact. When you say them or think them, they become the thoughts that shape your reality. Research has proven that around 80% of the 50,000 subconscious thoughts you have in a day are negative ones. That is a lot of negativity! Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. So when you consciously think positive thoughts, it is easier to control the negative ones that are always threatening to take over. To affirm is to say something positively. So an affirmation is firmly declaring a positive thought and assertively stating it as a truth. By making these positive declarations part of your daily life, you are helping your mind to prioritize positivity over negativity.


You can use affirmations in any situation where you'd like to see a positive change take place in your life. These might include times when you want to:

  • Raise your confidence before presentations or important meetings.

  • Control negative feelings such as frustration, anger, or impatience.

  • Improve your self-esteem.

  • Finish projects you've started.

  • Improve your productivity.

  • Overcome a bad habit.

  • Affirmations may be more effective when you pair them with other positive thinking and goal-setting techniques.

For instance, affirmations work particularly well alongside visualization. So, instead of just picturing the change you'd like to see, you can also write it down or say it aloud using a positive affirmation. Affirmations are also useful when setting personal goals . Once you've identified the goals you'd like to achieve, affirmative statements can help you to keep yourself motivated in order to achieve them.

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It's useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome.


Here’s a simple plan for making affirmations work for you.

  • Find a time and space where you can focus on your affirmations without interruption or distractions.

  • Start by acknowledging that your words have power, and with them, you are intentionally scripting the life you wish to lead.

  • Place your awareness in the area of your heart and begin repeating each affirmation mindfully and deliberately three to five times each. Avoid mindlessly parroting your affirmations. Consciously listen to each word with the intention of letting it sink deep into your being. With each repetition, imagine the affirmation rippling out into the world from your heart center.

  • Focus on generating a feeling state that what you are affirming is already true at this moment. Feel the happiness, excitement, gratitude, and other positive emotions of seeing your affirmation fulfilled.

  • Conclude your practice with a moment of gratitude for your ability to be a conscious co-creator of your world.


  • Success loves me and always seeks me.

  • I am worthy of all the good life has to offer, and I deserve to be successful.

  • I am always open-minded and eager to explore new avenues to success.

  • I am committed to achieving success in every area of my life.

  • I trust in my capacity for greatness. I believe I am worthy of great success

“Every thought we think is creating our future.” – Louise Hay

Now that you know the meaning of affirmations, it is time to begin working with them. Repeat these affirmations daily and watch your life transform!




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