She Minds - Empower Your Transformation

A community for women who, among other things, want to shift and develop their mindset in order to live their best lives possible.

My goal is simple – I provide tools and resources so women can make lasting changes in their life by developing self-belief, courage, and clarity.

Subscribe to get access now.


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, your mindset and personal development are key.




I know there's this voice in your head that tells you, "you can't do it all." That maybe you aren't strong enough to handle every responsibility. But I'm going to tell you something now: You are more powerful than any of those voices so don't let them stop you from living the life you deserve.

Ask yourself, why not you? You can have it all. But the real question is, are you ready to make a change?

Join me and life minded women as we empower ourselves through this transformation - together!


What if you could have someone on your side, who holds up a mirror to all the great things about yourself and helps support you in achieving what matters most? It's true: I'm here for that!There are so many people who don't know how to change their mindset, and as a coach it is my job to help them. You will be provided with all the tools and resources you need for growth in life, which includes accountability from me!


We're all in this together! That's why I want to help you find your way. In a community of like-minded women, you'll be supported through the process and know what it takes for meaningful shifts not just within yourself but around you as well. You deserve more than anything else to live life with meaning, joyfulness, gratitude and fulfillment - no matter where on earth, where you are in life, or how old or young you may be.

Membership Benefits

  • Resources & activities

  • Feel empowered, efficient, and knowledgeable

  • Engage in a community of like minded women

  • Monthly courses

  • Participate in challenges

  • Monthly coaching calls

  • Be able to manage your time, energy, and mindset in a new, empowering way, so you have more to offer for yourself, your colleagues, your family, and friends

  • Achieve balance, clarity, contentment, and a deeper level of fulfillment in life

  • Access to & support from me

  • Goal Tracking

  • Quizzes

  • Daily Affirmations

What is the cost of membership?

For Members:

$7.99 monthly

$29.99 for 6 months

$49.99 yearly

How long is the membership?

The membership is a monthly membership and for as long as you find value.

What is included in the membership?

Engage with a community of like minded women

Monthly courses

Monthly activities & challenges

Monthly coaching calls

Quizzes & resources

Goal tracking

Access to and support from a coach

Is there an option for a payment plan??

The membership is priced cheaply but provides high value. You can pay opt for different subscription tiers.

Does this membership require me to purchase anything in addition?

Not at all. However, if you find you would like individual coaching sessions I can offer that at a discounted price.